Erin and Ryan

I met Erin a few years ago at the restaurant that shall not be named.  Erin was just this beautiful, kind and gentle girl.  The kind of girl you would want to be friends with forever.  She always has a smile on her face and she is always so positive.  You can't help but smile when you are around her.  When she and Ryan asked me to be their photographer for their upcoming wedding I literately jumped in the air and said, "Heck YEA!"  (Heck may or may not have been a different word.)

Erin, Ryan and I drove up to Staunton State Park the day after a snowstorm, which provided us with a beautiful blanket of snow on the ground and trees. As is common in Colorado after a snowstorm, the sun was out shinning creating a magical Colorado forest for us, with the occasional gust of wind.  Just enough to make it unique.

We had fun doing a little bit of hiking and exploring the park.  Afterwards Erin and Ryan both expressed that they had fun and Erin said, "I couldn't be nervous.  If I got nervous I just kissed Ryan and didn't notice anything else."  I thought about that for awhile.  That's the kind of love you should have.  When things are going weird around you, just concentrate on your love and everything will be okay.

I'm so thrilled to have the absolute honor and privilege to shoot Erin and Ryan's wedding this summer.  Mr. & Mrs. Kennedy, coming soon to a mountaintop near you!

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