Hailey and Ryan

There are some couples that are so sweet and kind it makes your teeth hurt (in a good way).  That's Hailey and Ryan.  They are just so enthusiastically in love, you cannot help but smile at them ear to ear.  They are so nice, so happy and they laughs with them are many.

I met them up in Ft. Collins at Horsetooth Reservoir to do their engagement session on a cold windy afternoon.  We had already canceled once because of the rare snow storm we had in Colorado (really hate that they are rare this year) so we didn't want to push it back anymore.  Hailey and Ryan absolutely just took it as it came.  They cuddled, smiled and were soaked in love and smiles.  

My favorite moment came when I asked them, "So how long have you guys been together?"  Their faces lit up and glowed and said, "Eight months!  When you know, YOU KNOW!"  And it's true.  I think back to Jace and I.  I easily could have married him after being with him for about 5 months, I knew he was my person.  And Hailey and Ryan are the same.  They have found their person in each other, and no need to wait any more time.

Enjoy this wild wind whipped session that had love blown all over it.  (Ha, see what I did there.....Don't worry I'll stick to my day job)

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